Friday, September 13, 2019

Brazilian Cloves Crop & Market

New Cloves crop in Bahia is a step away of start harvesting

Prices are high at the moment for what is left from the last season - around R$ 24.00 per kilo small lots and weak quality sold to local consumption. If processed for export a loss of 30% should be considered for cleaning, selecting and packing.
In dolar terms it corresponds today to U$ 6.00/kg. (1U$ = 4R$)

Regarding international trade Brazilian cloves ever follows the price trend of MZC origin with some discount depending on the volumes offered and demanded.

The 2019/2020 crop forecast is estimated at a maximum of 5 thousand tons and if realized will be an average crop. Must be considered that some 700 to 800 tons are sold to the local consumption

The maximum harvested in Brazil was in 2013 and reached 9 thousand tons.


1 comment:

BrazilSpices said...

Finally, a true report of the Brazilian market!