South Africa, officially the Republic of South Africa (RSA), is the southernmost country in Africa. South Africa's considered as one of pepper producing country albeit in a smaller scale, pepper cultivation is reported in the Lowfeld of Mpumalanga Province and KwaZulu Natal Province. However, South Africa's pepper production is unable to meet the domestic consumption which resulting to import from various pepper producing countries for domestic consumption or for re-export.
In 2018, South Africa was reported to have imported a total 3,731 Mt of pepper which 63% or 2,352 Mt of it comprised of whole pepper while 37% or 1,378 Mt of it was ground pepper. The average import of pepper by South Africa in 2018 was reported to be 311 Mt per month with the highest quantity recorded in August with 413 Mt. The total expenditure of pepper import by South Africa in 2018 was reported to be as high as USD 17.4 Million, recording an average price of the total pepper imported by South Africa at USD 3,931 per Mt for whole pepper and USD 5,939 Per Mt for ground pepper.
Year 2019 saw an increasing trend in term of quantity of pepper imported by South Africa. South Africa was reported to have imported a total of 4,286 Mt which 63% or 2,719 Mt of it comprised of whole pepper and 37% or 1,568 Mt of it was ground pepper. Thus, recording an increase of 15% when compared to 2018. The average pepper import by South Africa in 2019 was reported at 357 Mt per month which peaked in July with 493 Mt. Although increasing in terms of quantity, South Africa's expenditure of pepper import was reported with a decrease of 15% to a total of USD 14.8 Million. Thus, recording an average price of the total pepper imported by South Africa at USD 2,955 per Mt for whole pepper and USD 4,368 per Mt for ground pepper or a decrease by 25% and 26% respectively as compared to 2018.
In 2020, Pepper import by South Africa was reported with an increase of 7% as compared to 2019, totaling at 4,571 Mt which comprised of 53% or 2,435 Mt of whole pepper and 47% or 2,135 Mt of ground pepper. The total expenditure of pepper import by South Africa in 2020 was reported with a decrease by 6% when compared to 2019, totaling at USD 13.9 Million. Thus, recording an average price of the total pepper imported by South Africa at USD 2,773 per Mt for whole pepper and USD 3,381 per Mt for ground pepper or a decrease by 6% and 23% respectively as compared to 2019.
The top five countries of origins of South Africa's pepper in 2020 were reported to be Viet Nam with 3,260 Mt (an increase of 6% as compared to 2019), Brazil with 335 Mt (a decrease of 14%), China with 231 Mt (an increase of 60%), Thailand with 218 Mt (a decrease of 6%) and India with 107 Mt (a decrease of 27 Mt). The decrease of South Africa's import from Brazil and India could be contributed to South Africa preference of importing from other origins such as Viet Nam (an increase of 174 Mt as compared to 2019) and China (an increase of 87 Mt).