Monday, May 22, 2006


----- Original Message -----
From: dhirish
Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2006 4:22 AM
Subject: reg cloves
dear sir

1. srilanka cloves, stock very limited, today prices at usd 6700-7000 per ton cif india

2. madagascar, brazil, comoros cloves at usd 4700-4900 levels, singapopre cloves mkyt hot as very less cargo there, today recd offers at usd 5200 for madagascar cloves

3. reg indonesia, all know that this year crop only 25%, huge losses due to less crop, plus added rains, every 5 years cloves crop are reduced to very short crops, this we have seen for last 35 years, also the gestation period is 7 years, so new crop planting takes 7 years to yield, next 2 years cloves mkts will remain bullish, as indonesia ands india will need 50000 tons for consumption, india yearly imports 15000 to 18000 tons cloves, but when there is shortages, the stockists buy 3 times the requirements, so please think of this situation

4. next 8 months deman will be very high, cloves prices are moving up very fast in india, we see 100 to 200 % jump in prices in next 2 months time

we hope this report will help many cloves traders
best regards
dhirish momaya

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