Monday, May 18, 2020


MAY 15, 2020

Pepper in Brazil is scarce now as the harvest in Espirito Santo finished and the new crop in Belem will start in July/August.
Some stock is been kept by the growers but due to scarcity asked prices are hight.

In the last weeks the CORONA issue impacted heavily on pepper trade in Brazil causing delays in processing, transportation and port operations such as inspections and loading/unloading due to strong reduction of the workforce.

These are problems common to the whole world now but, in Brazil has particular issues of the political strugle against the President Bolsonaro which cause a big indefinition about the economy,
As a result of this political unrest, Dollar rates are absolutelly volatile with daily changes of upt to 2% - 3%.
Growers and stock holders try to get maximum price following and oftenly even surpassing de Dollar appreciation.
Therefore business is very difficult to settle.

Some esxporters that sold future shipments are short and struggling to honour their commitments.
In the words of one exporter "he offers price within 10 minutes validity" because growers change prices by hour.
If not confirmed at once the price is not valid anymore. Earlier this week business was done at U$D 1,900 FOB but today it would be impossible to make it at U$D 2,000.

Pepper at farmgate rose 28% from last week to yesterday and more 10% today.

Bottom line is: If you get a suitable offer book it immediatelly ! or consider wait for some weeks to see if market stabilize.
General trend is upwards, and we might see prices way over U$D 2,000 in the next months.

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