Monday, July 08, 2024

Pepper market update 8th July 2024 – Week 27 – Monthly report.



•        Last week, the price of pepper was rapid fluctuations, with prices fluctuating by $100-200 within a day. However, after the decrease, the price of pepper quickly recovered within a few hours. By the end of the week, the price of pepper decreased from 160,000 VND to 159,000 VND, equivalent to 0,6% down.

•        Demand has been relatively slow in the entire market as many countries have started holidays.


•        There have been clearer information in the second largest pepper supplier in the world, Brazil. Many experts in Brazil assess that the 2024 season is severely affected by prolonged drought. Brazil’s production is expected to be the lowest in many years, with a decrease in the harvest of the 2024 season by 20-40% compared to 2023.

•        If the forecasts of experts regarding Brazil are accurate, we can expect the pepper market to become more active from September onwards.


Please see the REPORT FILE & FULL QUOTATION LIST by click to download.

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